Blog post number 300!
I just finished writing my blog post number 300... it all started with the following post [] on the 28th »
I just finished writing my blog post number 300... it all started with the following post [] on the 28th »
If you would rather work with relative URLs than absolute URLs you can use the BaseAddress [ »
This might seem trivial, but since I got the question the other day I might as well make a post about it. Using the HttpClient [https: »
You can easily get a stock price in Google sheets using the GOOGLFINANCE function. A simple example would be if you want the current price of »
Before reading through endless posts on "best books for learning how to program" or the like, you should ask yourself what you want to »
There is no straightforward formula to get the percentage change for a stock X days back in time. However using the "price" API from »
I wanted to experiment a bit with terraform and azure function apps. So I made the below to set up an Azure function app. I chose »
I got the following errors today while working on a new project: > Error CS0579 Duplicate 'System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute' attribute MyAzureFunction C:\Repos\Test\ »
In order to escape the backtick ``` in a codeblock you can wrap it in more backticks. For example the following: ``` var k = 0; ``` In the above »
Earlier I wrote a post [] where I had a long code block like below: =IMPORTRANGE(" »