Should private methods be unit tested?
Once in a while this question pops up. Should private methods in classes be unit tested? My short answer to this question is no. If a »
Often when writing tests one value can be as good as any other value. Such as if you need to apply a number within a range »
Tasks can be a bit of a pain when writing tests, especially when a dependency returns a task. Often it is just enough to return a »
I recently saw this error when I was trying to set up a Java project in IntelliJ IDEA. The error appeared every time I tried to »
Browsers get more and more standardised every day and most of them share the same shortcuts by now, such as how to reset the zoom level. »
This is one of those questions that keep popping up - how small should microservices be? I often find myself saying "it depends..". There »
This post spawned from an assignment I had during my Master's degree. We were to describe how a system could be developed using continuous »
This post spawned from an assignment I had during my Master's degree. We were to describe how a system could be developed using continuous »
In this post I will describe some automated testing techniques. Testing is done to assure quality in our systems. But what is quality? Quality is that »
Once in a while this question pops up. Should private methods in classes be unit tested? My short answer to this question is no. If a »
I recently had to get some coverage metrics for an assignment. I struggled for some time with finding the right buttons in Intellij Idea [https://www. »