Experiment lab This page I use for some experiments on the Ghost platform. C# C# (C-sharp) is a general-purpose programming language using strong typing, It was developed around 2000 by Microsoft and used on the .Net platform. 128 posts. Blogging General blogging tips, tricks and trends. But also my own journey and progress as a blogger and new features and milestones on my blog. 37 posts. Javascript Javascript (JS), a programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript standard. It is known for being dynamically typed and used to power websites. 27 posts. Google sheets Google sheets is an online editor for spreadsheets and part of Google Drive. Together with Google finance this is a great tool for finance. 23 posts. Web and HTTP These are my posts relating to the web and internet. Posts on how to make websites, APIs and how to use the HTTP protocol and REST properly. 22 posts. MSSQL MSSQL is a SQL relational database system developed by Microsoft 22 posts. ASP.NET ASP.NET is Microsofts open source .Net Web framework. On newer versions of .Net this framework is cross platform and can run on both windows and linux. 22 posts. Testing These are all my posts on (automated) software testing such as unit, integration and system tests. It also contains posts on specific testing frameworks. 20 posts. Not programming These are all my posts that I just had to blog about but had nowhere to write than on this blog. Therefore they are unrelated to everything else on my blog. 17 posts.