C# - How to convert a list of tuples into a dictionary using the ToDictionary method
There is a built-in method in C# where you can create a dictionary from a list - it is called ToDictionary [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ »
There is a built-in method in C# where you can create a dictionary from a list - it is called ToDictionary [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ »
It is quite easy to start a new thread in C#. All you need is to instantiate a new object of the type Thread and call »
In this post I will demonstrate how you can stub the DateTime [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.datetime?view=netcore-3.1] struct in »
In this post I will show how the lock statement in C# works and what you should look out for when using it. It is well »
My previous post on websockets on how to stream messages to a client [https://peterdaugaardrasmussen.com/2019/01/20/how-to-use-websockets-with-asp-net-core-with-an-example/] has become quite popular. I felt »
I found it hard to find an example online showing a simplistic way to create named value tuples in a list. Most of the examples I »
This post may seem like sub optimization to some, however high readability of code makes code easier to understand and thereby change. In my opinion, great »
For some reason I can never remember how to make a POST or PUT request with a content-type other than JSON or XML. For JSON and »
In C# it is quite convenient to read all files to an array. You can use the method ReadAllLines() [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/ »
Today I found that C# does not have a built in method for trimming strings using another string. The built in method for trimming strings [https: »