xUnit - How to check if a call does not throw an exception
If you are moving from NUnit to xUnit, you will likely encounter the absence of the DoesNotThrow method in xUnit. At first I believed this did »
If you are moving from NUnit to xUnit, you will likely encounter the absence of the DoesNotThrow method in xUnit. At first I believed this did »
DateTime [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.datetime?view=netframework-4.8] and DatimeTimeOffset [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.datetimeoffset?view=netframework-4. »
I never use structs - there I have said it. Not because I don't like them or feel they have no use, but I »
In this blogpost I will try to make a simple to understand description and example of boxing and unboxing. In order to understand what boxing and »
I had a discussion a couple of weeks ago about tasks and threads. It occurred to me that I had rarely used threads and mostly used »
I have sometimes found myself - at the end of a long chain of using async/await - calling something that is not using async. Sometimes »
In this post I will go through how you can mock the HttpClient class in C#. This is often needed as almost everything we develop these »
You can easily iterate through each item in a list, run a function on each and wait for all to finish. All you have to do »
I had a conversation the other day on the topic of object initializers and what they do. In this post I will briefly elaborate on what »
Tasks can be a bit of a pain when writing tests, especially when a dependency returns a task. Often it is just enough to return a »