I recently got the following error when trying to build a solution after
installing a nuget package:
> Warning CS8032 An instance of analyzer
ProxyInterfaceSourceGenerator.ProxyInterfaceCodeGenerator »
If you see the following error:
> NSubstitute.Exceptions.CouldNotSetReturnDueToNoLastCallException : Could not
find a call to return from.
You are likely trying to mock a method »
If you would rather work with relative URLs than absolute URLs you can use the
[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.http. »
I got the following errors today while working on a new project:
> Error CS0579 Duplicate 'System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute'
attribute MyAzureFunction C:\Repos\Test\ »
Today I was trying to make an initial migration using Entity framework. I
encountered an error when calling dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate:
C:\Users\peter\ »