C# - How to return a Task with a named tuple as a result
So you are likely here because you cannot remember the syntax for returning a task with a named tuple, in short you are likely just looking »
So you are likely here because you cannot remember the syntax for returning a task with a named tuple, in short you are likely just looking »
Sometimes we want more than just a simple stub from wiremock, sometimes we want to create a scenario. We want Wiremock to do something different when »
Using Wiremock.Net you can set a requestmatcher to only match a request if it contains a specific header with a specific value, in this post »
I needed to set a header while using the HTTPClient [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.http.httpclient?view=net-5.0] in C# »
In many cases you want some sort of wildcard in your URL matching for Wiremock.Net. Most REST URLs contain an id, especially at the end »
Are you looking for a simple guide for setting up Wiremock.Net? Well I hope this can be helpful to you :) I did this yesterday as »
Instead of rolling with my own list of what I think are the eight greatest books to learn or improve your skills at C#, I decided »
I recently stumbled upon some code which looked something like the following: var ct = new CancellationToken(); Task.Run(async () => { while (!ct.IsCancellationRequested) { CallToMethodThatMightThrowAnException(); await Task. »
You are likely using the || and && operator everyday without thinking about what the | and & operators do. This is rightly so, as there are »
Almost 5 years ago I made a post on the null-conditional operator [https://peterdaugaardrasmussen.com/2016/05/28/c-the-null-conditional-operator-and-the-road-to-avoid-nested-if-statements-2/] (?:) in C#. Now I am following up »