Alexa Error: The trigger setting for the Lambda arn is invalid. Error code: SkillManifestError

I recently got the following error when setting up a Alexa skill together with a Lambda function:

The trigger setting for the Lambda arn:aws:lambda:us-east-"function" is invalid. Error code: SkillManifestError

Not knowing a lot about Alexa I started to investigate this. I figured out that for this to work you need to add a "Alexa skills kit" trigger to your lambda function, as seen below:

Alexa lambda Trigger

After this you will need to add your Alexa Skill Id to the configuration of the "Alexa skills kit", which is a dialog just below. The Skill Id can be found on the endpoint page of your Alexa skill.


This solved the issue for me! I hope this helps someone out there.

ps. I read somewhere that changing your lambd's region to Ireland helped some people with this issue.