Easy way to copy to clipboard for vanilla Javascript
Here is a small script that I put together in order to create a copy to clipboard button. It works in all modern browsers. I created »
Here is a small script that I put together in order to create a copy to clipboard button. It works in all modern browsers. I created »
I had been fighting with this issue for several hours. Changing something in a script could make Visual Studio hang itself. It would use 100% of »
I got this question the other day. How to change the default browser in Visual Studio? When you hit F5, run or debug your web application »
Earlier this year I had the pleasure of handling the following error: HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error The requested page cannot be accessed »
In simple terms, CSRF is misusing the "saved" trust a website has in your browser. Often your token for authentication will be stored in »
I recently had an error where I tried to install a nuget package in a project. From the nuget package console I got an error that »
Here I have put together a list of C# books that I find worth reading if you are getting into programming and your language of choice »
This might be embarrassing to admit. But it did take a long time for me to find this option. The option for stopping fiddler from changing/ »
I used IoC containers for the first 5 years of my career. The last year I have been using them very little. This is due to »
Years ago I was mostly against all meetings, I was the "I just want to work" kind of type. Being behind a screen and »