C# - Enabling a Webapi or MVC endpoint to deliver JSONP with an example
You can use the following ActionFilterAttribute (annotation) to enable an endpoint to return JSONP. The below example is for webapi and .Net Framework but it can »
Here is an example on how to parse a string to an enum using the built in enum.Parse method: public enum Vehicle { Car, Bus, Boat, »
A couple of days ago I had a problem with gridster and resizing when the window size changes. This isn't a fully responsive solution »
I recently got an assignment during a course on my Masters program, the assignment was to embed an image with a message. For this task I »
Splitting a string [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.string?view=netcore-3.1] with another string should be a simple matter in C#. However »
Here is a list of programming books that I think every developer should read. Some of these books are of an older date. But these books »
You can use the following ActionFilterAttribute (annotation) to enable an endpoint to return JSONP. The below example is for webapi and .Net Framework but it can »
I hear this question sometimes: What makes a great developer? What are the traits? How do you become one? I have had the pleasure of working »
There are several ways to concatenate and format strings in C# and below the most common are listed. I do not take performance into this consideration »
I got this question during an interview and I had to admit that I had rarely used partial classes. We quickly skipped the subject, but I »
I recently bought myself my first trackball mouse. I have spent many hours every day at the computer, and I have done this for many years. »