C# - Delay showing console / avoid creating console on start
I was making an application to run in the background and I thought: if an error is raised let us just create a console for input »
I was making an application to run in the background and I thought: if an error is raised let us just create a console for input »
I recently wrote about the init property accessor and property accessors in general. I was wondering for a second how access modifiers and accessors were different, »
You may have encountered the init accessor on a property in the wild and now you are wondering what it does. Does it do what you »
The easiest way to Convert a Unix timestamp to a DateTime or DateTimeOffset is to use the methods FromUnixTimeSeconds for seconds or FromUnixTimeMilliseconds for milliseconds. However »
Usually I would preach quality over quantity, but you always need some quantity! This is post number 400 on my blog which I started late December »
The secret to changing the log level at runtime in your application is the LoggingLevelSwitch. This can be applied in two places, one is the MinimumLevel »
This post describes how to combine serilog's property enrichment with ASP.Net's middleware and pipeline to enrich all logs in a request »
TLDR: You are likely looking for setting up an outputTemplate in your logger configuration: Log.Logger = loggerConfiguration .Enrich.FromLogContext() //remember this! .WriteTo .Console(outputTemplate: "[{Timestamp: »
This post describes and demonstrates how to enrich your serilog log events with your own arbitrary properties. The first part will be on enriching with properties »
It took me much longer to realize a solution to this problem than I want to admit. I had something like the following in my code »