Why do we use mocking for unit tests? and the use of test-doubles - Updated 2022
In order to understand how and why we use mocks for tests we need to understand different types of test doubles (implementations used for testing) and »
In order to understand how and why we use mocks for tests we need to understand different types of test doubles (implementations used for testing) and »
This is another one of those embarrassing moments. I just had this issue for quite some time and I could not figure out what I was »
If you are like me, then you do not care much about namespaces. Hitting alt + enter using resharper gets you what you want most of the »
I recently look for an easy way to start a new task in C#. Many of the examples that I found required several lines of code. »
What you are looking for is most likely the static method Join from the string class. It is a very smooth way to create a comma »
So you are going to use MemoryCache and you have to choose a way to expire your cache. There are two options: Absolute expiration and sliding »
Years ago I made this blog post on a memorycache implementation done by Falafel software. I had a task where I needed to use caching so »
Once again I had this discussion at work. What is the difference between DataContractSerializerand XmlSerializer? Why use one of them over the other? The two serializers »
Here I have put together a list of C# books that I find worth reading if you are getting into programming and your language of choice »
I recently looked into this. I did a lot of googling before finding the simplest solution ever. using your ConnectionFactory(or IConnectionFactory) you invoke the method »