C# - Thread.Sleep(1); takes more than 1 milisecond - around 16ms
I recently had to hunt down a bug. We were experiencing a piece of code running very slowly. The executed code should take way less than »
I recently had to hunt down a bug. We were experiencing a piece of code running very slowly. The executed code should take way less than »
Here is an example on how to parse a string to an enum using the built in enum.Parse method: public enum Vehicle { Car, Bus, Boat, »
Splitting a string [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.string?view=netcore-3.1] with another string should be a simple matter in C#. However »
There are several ways to concatenate and format strings in C# and below the most common are listed. I do not take performance into this consideration »
I got this question during an interview and I had to admit that I had rarely used partial classes. We quickly skipped the subject, but I »
You probably ended up here because you wanted to avoid nested if statements or found a question mark (?) symbol in a code base and wondered what »
This post comes from a question I answered on stack overflow earlier. The question was about the use of datetimes. I used "var" in »
I get this question a lot. I find it hard to answer in depth because these two technologies are so alike. The basic reply often become »
You might know Jetbrains for their many editors. Php storm, pycharm, rubymine, Intellij Idea, or Clion. But something that all .Net developers know Jetbrains for, is »