RabbitMQ - Avoid loss of messages when using a cluster or general use
You likely want to avoid loss of messages when using RabbitMQ. This post is about clusters, but I will begin by discussing how this is done »
You likely want to avoid loss of messages when using RabbitMQ. This post is about clusters, but I will begin by discussing how this is done »
A RabbitMQ cluster consists of several RabbitMQ nodes (instances) that work together and form a single logical broker. Queues in a RabbitMQ cluster only reside on »
People often mix up these two terms in RabbitMQ - persistent and durable. Here I will clarify these and show how they differ. They both have »
Using the field Consumer utilisation in the RabbitMQ interface can get you a figure of how many more consumers you can add to a queue. Often »
I recently looked into this. I did a lot of googling before finding the simplest solution ever. using your ConnectionFactory(or IConnectionFactory) you invoke the method »