How to redirect HTTP put, post or delete requests and why you may end up with a GET request upon redirection
I will start with a small disclaimer: it is always up to the client how to handle redirects. Most of the time they handle status codes »
I will start with a small disclaimer: it is always up to the client how to handle redirects. Most of the time they handle status codes »
In this post I will present the different HTTP status code groups, which are the groups 1xx (100-199), 2xx (200-299), 3xx (300-399), 4xx (400-499) and 5xx »
I have several iframes on my website due to affiliation with Amazon. However my Google Search Console recently gave me the error: A tag on this »
Last week I was making a new “about'' page for my blog using Ghost Blog pro. When I uploaded the file I saw an »
I recently made an example on how to do websocket communication between a server and a client [] , where i »
Have you ever been about to publish a website and feel that you are missing something? me too! That is why I created my own checklist »
There seems to be a big emphasis on using REST these days. Where REST easily becomes a synonym with HTTP. It is not, REST is an »
Browsers get more and more standardised every day and most of them share the same shortcuts by now, such as how to reset the zoom level. »
Earlier this year I had the pleasure of handling the following error: HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error The requested page cannot be accessed »
In simple terms, CSRF is misusing the "saved" trust a website has in your browser. Often your token for authentication will be stored in »