C# - What is the "??" null-coalescing operator?

Almost 5 years ago I made a post on the null-conditional operator [https://peterdaugaardrasmussen.com/2016/05/28/c-the-null-conditional-operator-and-the-road-to-avoid-nested-if-statements-2/] (?:) in C#. Now I am following up »

Peter Daugaard Rasmussen Peter Daugaard Rasmussen on C#

My top 5 blog posts of 2020

2020 was a extreme year for many. For my own blog i got hit by the Google search update in May which resulted in no gain »

Peter Daugaard Rasmussen Peter Daugaard Rasmussen on Blogging

How to set the colors of the console in Visual Studio

This post was sparked from a question on Stackoverflow [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65255133/is-there-an-option-in-visual-studio-that-sets-console-background-color-for-each] that I thought was common knowledge. The question was on how »