C# - How to convert an int to an enum or an enum to an int.
This post shows how to convert an int to an enum or an enum to an int. You do not use a convert method, but rather »
This post will demonstrate how to SELECT from a MSSQL table using a variable. There will be three examples: * Simple select statement * Setting a variable from »
You can easily create in-cell drop-downs in Google sheets using the "Data validation" menu point. It can be found under: * Data * Data Validation Located »
In MSSQL you can set auto increment for a column using the IDENTITY property. This will often be used on the primary key column, but it »
For this blog post we will use the following two tables as examples, the scripts are written in SQL for MSSQL but it should be transferable »
This post shows how to convert an int to an enum or an enum to an int. You do not use a convert method, but rather »
Some code bases use the .Migrate() or .MigrateAsync() to upgrade their databases to the newest version. Using .Migrate() with no additional parameters upgrades the database to »
The examples in this post are for MSSQL (Microsoft SQL server) but they will likely work with most other databases. If we have the following Table: »
You can reference a cell in Google Sheets by using its location, for example A1, B4 or C2. The location is the combination of the Column »
I have made a quite a few posts about SelectToken and SelectTokens by now. This post describes how to get two or more properties from a »
NSubstitute is a great framework for mocking objects for tests. I recently had an unexpected behaviour when stubbing a method call. For this simple example we »